Final manifestation of the project “Better socio-economic integration of RHP beneficiaries returning to local communities in BiH ”

The final manifestation of the project was organized in Sarajevo on 05 November, 2019. The Project was implemented by the „Union for Sustainable Return and Integration in BiH” (USRI) and supported by the EU within the regional project “CARE” – Contribution to Access of refugees and IDPs to Rights and Employment Opportunities” with the assistance of the Center for Regionalism from Novi Sad and the Tuzla Citizens Forum.

The project activities were carried out in the territory of Serbia (Belgrade and Novi Sad) and in the territory of BiH in the municipalities/cities: Bosansko Grahovo, Glamoc, Sanski Most, Bihac, Drvar, Livno, Mostar and Bosanski Petrovac.

The final manifestation presented the results of the activities carried out, with a focus on mapping the needs of refugees (79 families) living in Serbia, who expressed their wish to return to their pre-war places of residence in BIH.

The final event was attended by representatives of: BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees, Republican Secretariat for Displaced Persons and Migrations of Republika Srpska, Directorate for Displaced Persons and Refugees of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, Bosanski Petrovac, Glamoč, Mostar, Sanski Most, OSCE, Chatlic Relief Services , HAJDE Assistance and Development Associations, Arbeiter Samriter Bund, Tuzla Citizens Forum.

It was agreed that a comprehensive analysis of the needs of potential returnees from Serbia should be provided to the relevant governmental institutions at the state and entity levels, as well as international organizations. Local authorities will be provided with needs analyzes that have been done for each municipality / city individually.