The three-year project of the Igman Initiative called CARE, whose implementation was supported by the European Commission, was officially completed on December 22, 2020. The project consisted of four countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia) that are covered…
Category: news
Forum „Sustainability of the Regional Housing Programme for Refugees and Internally Displaced persons – The Contribution of the CARE Project: Achievements and Challenges – The Experience of Serbia“
F O R U M: „Sustainability of the RHP/Regional Housing Programme – Contribution of the CARE project: Achievements and Challenges – the experience of Bosnia and Herzegovina“
The “CARE” project achieved its goal and results – it contributed to the sustainability of the RHP in Montenegro
INVITATION TO TENDER EXTERNAL EVALUATION OF THE EU FUNDED PROJECT: CARE – Contribution to Access of Refugees and IDPs to Rights and Employment Opportunities
Acting togehte toward ecconomic empowerement of of RHP and CARE project beneficiaries
Support activities relevant to social economic empowerment of RHP project beneficiaries in Montenegro
CARE regional project contracted Legal center from Podgorica to implement Support activities relevant to social economic empowerment of RHP project beneficiaries in Montenegro. A Seven-member family of Lazar Spalevic, that lives in refugee setlement Balabanda is granted with set of…
Economic empowerment of RHP users.
Field trip organized in order to provide assistance under the Social Innovation subproject After an open call that was jointly announced by the Center forregionalism, as the implementer of the CARE project, and the Fund for Providing Assistance to Refugees,…