Field trip organized in order to provide assistance under the Social Innovation subproject
After an open call that was jointly announced by the Center forregionalism, as the implementer of the CARE project, and the Fund for Providing Assistance to Refugees, Expelled and Displaced Persons of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, 29 families of RHP beneficiaries were awarded assistance within the Social Innovations subproject.Of these 29 families, 22 were supported through the CARE project and 7 by the Fund.
The Center for Regionalism then went on a field trip to define specific support for each of the selected families in the municipalities of Kula, Ruma, StaraPazova, Sremska Mitrovica and Pancevo, which aims to strengthen their capacity foreconomic and social empowerment and integration into the local community.

This family of four has the capacity to raise sheep (stables and pastures) The ten breeding sheep of the Ile de France breed that she received enabled them to register their own agricultural farm with the competent authority, and to form their own herd of 30 sheep in the foreseeable future, thus becoming eligable to subsidies from the state. This will help them decide to expand their family more easily.

He is a locksmith. He lives with his old mother taking care of her. Two years ago, his equipment was stolen from the workshop. The obtained equipment will help him get back on his feet, expand his business and register his own shop and hire another person.

He is a locksmith. With the equipment obtained for the locksmith workshop (which he chose himself), he plans to expand his business and ask the National Employment Service for funds to open his own workshop, and he hopes that there will be enough work to hire another worker.

He earns his living by by working as a magician. He believes that the acquired equipment will help him expand his business and pass on his experience to the younger generation.

He lives alone and does various jobs. He believes that the equipment he got will help him have more work and get higher earnings since he wants to complete the renovation of the house he got within the RHP project.

This family of three has conditions for stock farming within their household, owns stables and alfalfa plantations (fodder). The ten breeding sheep of the Il De France breed that he got, enabled him to register his own farm with the competent authority and to form his own herd of 30 sheep in the foreseeable future, thus becoming eligible for subsidies from the state.

Together with his partner, he produces furniture from panel material. He plans to expand production through an offer over the Internet, for which he will use the laptop he received, as well as the carpentry tools he chose.

He has the necessary capacities and experience to deal with cattle breeding. The seven breeding sheep of the Romanovski breed that this family got enabled them to register their own agricultural farm with the competent authority, and to form their own herd of 30 sheep in the foreseeable future, thus becoming eligable to subsidies from the state.

This single mother wants to open her own burger shop, inwhich will the equipment she got within the CARE project will be helpful to her. She will also have a better chance of applying for funding for self-employmentto the National Employment Service.She hopes that her job will start well and that she will be able to hire another person.

Milica had just moved into the apartment she got through the RHP project. She will replace her old sewing machine, which she worked on for years, with a new one, which she goth within the CARE Project.She plans to start sewing and knitting bed linen to order with the new embroidery machine and the material she got. She believes that she will earn more that way and be able to support herself, sinseshe didn’t insure her right to a pension.

Single mother of three grown-up children wants to open her own hair salon with the hairdressing equipment she got. She current works outside her profession for minimum wage, but she has the space to open her own shop.

None from Kajtez family is permanently employed. They deliver only temporary services with modeest equipment that they have. The family still live in a collective centre that is at poor condition. The donated tools will be helpful for extension of their services and earning money needed for completion of the house that is still not usable.

Nikolina is single mother of an adult child that is still within education process. She runs own Beauty shop. With donated equipment, she will be able to extend scope of the services offered and even employ one additional person.

Ermin and his wife are farmers. They cultivate around 2,5 hectare of land and support their children education. The green house was given to them for vegetable production. Vegetable produced will serve partially for own needs and partially for the market. It is expected that their family income will be increased.

Snezana already possess a green house for vegetable production. She sells part of the products made, while the rest is used for family needs. Moto cultivator that was granted to this family will help them to achieve their plan and increase production and complement family budget needed for living and education of two children.

Lukic family of five members owns a croft by the house and is experienced in land cultivation. They got the green house and this grant will help them to increase production of organic vegatanbe and make some additional income at the market.

Petočlana porodica Šćepanović već poseduje dva manja plastenika. Planiraju povećanje proizvodnje, jer imaju veću potražnju svojih proizvoda od onog što su do sada proizvodili. Veliki plastenik koji su dobili u tome će im pomoći.

Milan Kanazir, ima tročlanu porodicu i nema stalan posao. Planira da se bavi pčelarstvom za koje ima uslove I iskustvo. Namerava i da osnuje sopstveno gazdinstvo I ostvari pravo na subvencije od države.

Željko has been already in forestry job for six years. His business is officially registered. Five members family lives on the income he makes. Granted lumberjack tools will help Željko to extend and improve his work.

Four memmers Manojlovic family are doing agriculture business. Granted tools will help this family to improve thair business and increase income needed for support education of their two children.

Dario was granted with beekeeping equipment and he plans to get in partnership with a friend who already runs well established business in this area. They will share profit based on the contributions each makes by equipment and work. Dario believes that this income, gathered with others he makes will help him to improve living conditions and start own business independently.

Marinko already runs own business in the construction industry. He was granted with attested scaffolding that will enable extension of works portfolio. Marinko believes that he will be able to employ more workers, besides family members that are currently included. Marinko lives with mother, brother and a nephew.

Mile will use granted equipments to establish own business – car mechanic workshop. He also expects to get support through State self-employment program. Mile owns adequate space for the workshop. So far, the four members family lives on temporary jobs.

While expecting to get pension, Milan is doing temporary jobs and making incomes for his three members family. Locksmith tools that he received as the grant will enable Milan to make more income for the family and support daughter who is a student.

Ljiljana is single mother who uses RHP apartment. With donated beauty shop equipment, she will be able to extend existing income.

Ivana is young woman who runs agriculture household. She was granted with 13 Wurttemberger sheep and she want to register a herd and apply for state substitute available.

Milena has already been supporting family income through making decorated cakes and selling them. Donated baking equipment will help Milana to register own production.

Radovan is doing construction works. With donated equipment and tools, he will be able to register own business run by himself and his two sons.

Miloš lives with his grandmother. He is not permanently employed and he wants to start his own business with his brother. Equipment and tools that were donated will enable them to deliver construction and ceramics services.