We invite potential candidates to tender for a contract to conduct an external evaluation of the EU funded project titled “CARE – Contribution to Access of Refugees and IDPs to Rights and Employment Opportunities” implemented Centre for Regionalism, Novi Sad in partnership with Forum of Tuzla Citizens (B&H), Civic Committee for Human Rights (Croatia), Initiative for Regional Cooperation (Montenegro), as part og Igman initiative regional network.
Project implementation territory: Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Montenegro.
Durationoftheproject:21/12/2017 till 22/12/2020 (36 months)
Application deadline: 20.10.2020
The project “CARE – Contribution to Access of Refugees and IDPs to Rights and Employment Opportunities” (CARE project) strongly rely on Regional Housing programme (RHP) being implemented in targeted countries. The objective of the RHP, which consists of four Country Housing Projects (CHPs), is to make a substantial contribution to the satisfactory resolution of the protracted problem of the remaining refugees and displaced persons in the Partner Countries (PC) by providing long-lasting, sustainable housing solutions. One of the assumption and preconditions for the fulfillment of the RHP’s objective of durable housing solutions is that PCs ensure the long- term sustainability of the housing solutions, through socio-economic integration of the end–beneficiaries into the local communities. This aspect is fundamental factor that eventually conditions the successful implementation of the durable solutions.
CARE project is particularly relevant to the objectives of the RHP as it places emphasis on supporting the sustainability of and civic engagement in the Regional Housing Programme through integrated and multi-sectoral approach. In the first instance, civic sector could play a significant role in collecting the data in three areas of RHP sustainability: Technical (housing-related), Socio-economic (livelihood-related), Socio-cultural (rights-related), as a basis for developing and implementing feasible and cost-effective sustainability measures in all four PC. Aside from that, some of the RHP beneficiaries are among the most vulnerable members of their communities and need to be provided with specific forms of assistance for integration purposes: e.g. social cases, former residents of collective centers who are not used to pay rents and utilities, or old/disabled people who would soon have to be transferred to elderly homes. In that sense, civic should play a significant role in providing support to RHP end-beneficiaries in accessing not only their rights and social services but also income-generating and employment opportunities.
Sustainability issues were considered already at the outset of the RHP and RHP donors require that all partners attend to all three sustainability dimensions. Different tools for data collection and storage are being used in different countries. Furthermore, many different stakeholders are engaged in RHP-related activities, and have pieces of the full sustainability puzzle. Ongoing efforts to enhance the sustainability of the RHP has been further reinforced through a CSO projects (CARE sub grantees) operating in synergy with the governments’ efforts, enabling concrete improvements where possible.
The CARE project intended to build on the activities/results of previous projects in terms of strengthening capacities and creating a framework for collecting and analyzing data on the key sustainability factors, as well as providing assistance and support to the RHP end-beneficiaries in accessing their rights and income-generating opportunities. The CARE project also focus on promoting efficient approaches for supporting beneficiaries among RHP stakeholders, as well as piloting social innovation in targeted municipalities as a starting point for developing and implementing feasible and cost-effective sustainability measures in all four PC.
The CARE project was fully coordinated with the activities implemented within the framework of the RHP, and particularly complementary to the efforts of RHP stakeholders aimed at improving the sustainability outlook of the Programme and focusing on the economic aspects of sustainability. The objective was to ensure that housing facilitates social integration and contribute to economic activity. Considering that the CARE project is mainly focused on making contribution to achieving economic and socio-cultural sustainability of RHP, it is in particular synergy with the OSCE and UNHCR activities aimed at supporting the PCs in designing methodology and tools for monitoring the sustainability, and providing close guidance in the process.
Finally, the CARE project is in synergy with national policies, strategies for resolving the issues of refugees and IDPs and therefore closely cooperate with respective Government authorities.
The CARE project Overall objective:
Support the sustainability of and civic engagement in the Regional Housing Programme (RHP)
The CARE project Specific objectives:
1) Improve access to data and analysis on the sustainability of the Regional Housing Programme,
2) Enhance RHP beneficiaries’ livelihoods, access to rights, and local integration
CARE project estimated results:
1. Civil society in the 4 RHP countries is engaged in the RHP and its sustainability;
2) The regional and country specific dialogues on the RHP and its sustainability are enhanced by good data on key sustainability factors, and information on efficient approaches for supporting beneficiaries;
3) Governments’ sustainability monitoring is improved through enhanced availability of RHP sustainability data: a) Technical (housing-related), b) Socio-economic (livelihood-related), c) Socio-cultural (rights-related);
4) RHP sustainability enhanced in the areas of access to rights; livelihoods and local integration.
The evaluation conducted by external evaluator should seek to analyze major findings and recommendations related to the following objectives:
- To assess the relevance of the project (i.e. appropriateness of the action and used methods in relation to the beneficiaries’ needs and situation in project countries and RHP program; coverage of the RHP program users (realized versus planned)
- To assess the effectivenessof the project (i.e. the extent to which the project stated objectives are being achieved or can be achieved. This should especially show achievements made in beneficiaries’ lives and policy level influence; external and internal coherence)
- To assess efficiencyof the project (i.e. coordination structure and cost – benefit of the action; including also partnership coordination and relations and especially coordination /relations with key RHP actors and national authorities, other CSOs)
- To assess sustainability of the project ( This aspect primarily related to contribution of CARE actions to three areas of RHP sustainability: Technical (housing-related), Socio-economic (livelihood-related), Socio-cultural (rights-related)
- Impact made(identified areas of impact made towards greater sustainability of RHP actions.
Also, evaluator is expected to identify major findings related to what is recommended and what lessons can be learned.
Cases of best practices, on RHP sustainability development and mechanisms to be used in the future should be identified.
Maximum of 20 working days will be allocated to this assignment, within the period between November 2st 2020 and January 20th 2021.
Deliverables to be submitted
- Inception report with a detailed work plan and methodology for the evaluation and draft of evaluation tools (in English)
- Draft and final evaluation reports with executive summary, reference materials/ links, annexes, photos etc.
Evaluation Final Report should be in English and consist of up to 25-30 pages without annexes, including executive summary.
The following structure of the report might be as follows:
- Title page;
- Contents page and list of acronyms;
- Executive summary;
- Background and description;
- Scope and purpose of the evaluation;
- Methodology;
- Findings;
- Conclusions
- Recommendations;
- Lessons learned;
- Annexes.
Offers to the tender will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Advanced degree in law, social science economics, development studies or related discipline;
- A minimum of ten (10) year experience in conducting evaluations of CSOs projects, research and other forms of assessments
- More, specifically, it is needed to have extensive experience with regional projects that involve more than 3 countries
- A minimum of ten (10) year experience in working in ex Yugoslavia region
- Strong background related to proven understanding of political and social context in the respective countries included in CARE project
- Proven track in working with issues related to refugees and IDP in the region.
- Excellent analytical, oral and written communication skills in English and local languages’ used in the region.
- Strong facilitation and communication skills and ability to perform assessment and dialog with various Project stakeholders.
The assignment shall start on the 2nd November 2020 and shall be completed by 20th January 2021.
Tender submission and schedule of the work related to it:
Launch Tender | CARE, Centre for regionalism | October 12th 2020 |
Close of the Tender | Offers sent | October 20th 2020 |
Selection of the best offer | CARE, Centre for regionalism | October 25th 2020 |
Signing the contract with selected bidder | CARE, Centre for regionalism – Selected bidder | November 2st .2020. |
The following deliverables shall be submitted to CARE PROJECT team:
Inception report with Evaluation Plan | 10.11.2020. |
Draft of Evaluation Report | 15.01.2021. |
Final Evaluation Report | 20.01.2021. |
To be considered for this service, the applicants with the required profile shall submit the following documents electronically:
- CV(s) of the evaluator(s)
- 2 reference with full contact details;
- Relevant examples of evaluation work performed as appropriate
- Financial offer for the service delivery (detailed list of estimated costs);
The offers with adjusted documentation need to be submitted in English only electronically to the following address: grants@igman-initiative.org by October 20th 2020, CoB the latest. Subject title: External evaluation of the CARE project
All applicants will receive acknowledgement or receipt of their tender.
Only short listed offers will be contacted for the further procedure, the latest one week following the application deadline date.